I amKamal zarandi

What I can offer!

Team Building

Building a strong team and finding ideal members can be challenging. Many companies struggle to identify the right candidates for their positions. I can assist by sourcing and pre-assessing talent, saving you time and introducing the perfect candidate for your business.

Business Planning

Business planning involves continuous review and adjustment to match the evolving business strategy. Crafting the optimal strategy requires collaboration and teamwork. I can bring key elements of a business strategy together to create the best strategy for your brand.

Project discovery

Following the formulation of a business strategy, effectively delineating the elements of success becomes paramount. However, many businesses struggle to define the appropriate project discovery and planning for these elements, often resulting in failure. If you outline your business plan, I can assist you in project discovery, steering separate projects towards their intended destination.

Leading teams

If you're facing challenges with a team of skilled individuals not delivering projects on time, it's likely related to leadership, stakeholder management, and project ownership issues. As a facilitator, I specialize in identifying and addressing these problems, guiding teams towards effective decision-making and problem-solving. Think of me as the solution to help your team overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Leading technology

Making the right decisions regarding technology and skills is crucial for success. Senior teams often aim for the best solution, sometimes leading to over-engineering. However, it's vital to align technology choices with your current status and future plans. As a facilitator, I can assist your team in making informed decisions that balance innovation with practicality, ensuring the adoption of solutions that best suit your needs and goals.

Digital transformation

A key element for market success is digital transformation, optimizing processes and embracing data-driven decision-making. This challenging yet impactful endeavor often requires a cultural shift alongside digitization. Leveraging my expertise, I can assist in identifying priorities, planning for change, and leading the transformation process. With my skills in change management, I ensure a smooth transition towards efficiency and innovation.

What I can offer!

I can

Make your startup ready for investment

Attracting investment is undeniably crucial for any startup embarking on its journey towards success. However, achieving this milestone requires meticulous preparation and strategic planning. Being well-prepared not only increases your chances of securing investment but also ensures that you make the most out of the opportunity when it arises. Here are some essential steps to ensure your startup is ready to attract investment:

  1. Assessment: Conduct a thorough evaluation of your startup, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
  2. Strategic Planning: Develop a clear and actionable business plan, outlining your value proposition, target market, competitive landscape, and growth trajectory.
  3. Financial Preparation: Assist in preparing detailed financial projections, including revenue forecasts, expense estimates, and cash flow analysis, demonstrating the financial viability of your startup.
  4. Legal and Compliance: Navigate legal and regulatory requirements to ensure compliance, enhancing your attractiveness to potential investors.
  5. Pitch Deck Creation: Create a compelling pitch deck communicating your business model, market opportunity, competitive advantage, and financial projections to potential investors.
  6. Networking and Introductions: Facilitate introductions to angel investors, venture capitalists, and potential funding sources, expanding your network and access to capital.
  7. Business Plan Creation: Craft a detailed roadmap for your startup's success, outlining its mission, target market, revenue streams, and growth strategy, essential for attracting investors.
  8. Application Wireframe Making: Develop visual blueprints for your application's layout, features, and user interface, guiding your development team effectively.
  9. Identity Book Defining: Define your startup's brand values, messaging, and visual elements to foster brand recognition and consistency across all marketing channels.
  10. Creating First MVP: Guide the development of your first Minimum Viable Product (MVP), gathering valuable feedback and maximizing your chances of success.
  11. Due Diligence Support: Provide assistance during the due diligence process, addressing inquiries and concerns to build trust and confidence in your startup.
  12. Negotiation: Assist in negotiating favourable investment terms with investors, ensuring alignment of interests and long-term growth objectives.

My Passion

Solving challenges

Solving challenges is at the heart of what I do. With a keen problem-solving mindset and a wealth of experience, I thrive on tackling complex issues head-on. Whether it's navigating technical obstacles, addressing operational inefficiencies, or overcoming strategic hurdles, I approach each challenge with determination and creativity. By leveraging a combination of analytical thinking, innovative approaches, and collaborative teamwork, I devise effective solutions that not only resolve immediate problems but also pave the way for long-term success. From identifying root causes to implementing actionable plans, I am committed to delivering results that drive positive outcomes and propel organizations forward.

Make your business profitable

Boosting profitability is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of the business landscape. Drawing on my experience and expertise, I specialize in devising tailored strategies to enhance profitability for businesses across various industries. From optimizing operational efficiencies and reducing costs to identifying new revenue streams and maximizing existing ones, I work closely with clients to identify areas of opportunity and implement targeted initiatives. Through meticulous analysis, strategic planning, and proactive decision-making, I help businesses unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable growth. Whether it's through process improvements, pricing strategies, or market expansion, my goal is to deliver measurable results that drive increased profitability and long-term success.

Grow your business

Achieving growth for your business requires strategic vision and proactive action. With my expertise, I specialize in crafting tailored strategies to expand your customer base, diversify revenue streams, and optimize operations. Through data-driven insights and collaborative partnerships, I empower your business to seize opportunities, navigate challenges, and achieve sustainable growth. Let's work together to unlock your business's full potential and elevate it to new heights of success.


20+ years of experience

Creating 25 software development teams

Lead more than 150+ successful projects

Lead more than 19+ enterprise projects

Working with more than 190+ people

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