
What Is Cross-Platform Development?

The term “cross-platform mobile app development” or “hybrid mobile app development” is an approach that allows developers to build a mobile solution that is simultaneously compatible with several operating systems and platforms (Android, iOS, Windo ...

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Why are Wireframes so important?

Wireframes are blueprints that illustrate the elements of a website. Creating a wireframe gives the client, the developer, and the designer an opportunity to take a critical look at the structure of the website, web application, or mobile applicatio ...


How you could work on your projects?

Fixed price projects It is called “money for the result, a model defining the service to be provided very accurately, and then sets a single price for the project, regardless of how much time and expense the supplier’s company incurs. When is ...


Why we need a project discovery

What is the project discovery? Project discovery is a process of gathering information about a project to help people understand its vision, goals, and scope. It helps identify the client, users, and stakeholders’ needs and defines the system’ ...


How manage the projects?

What is Scrum? Scrum is a framework that helps teams work together. Much like a rugby team (where it gets its name) training for the big game, scrum encourages teams to learn through experiences, self-organize while working on a problem, and refl ...