I can

Make your startup ready for investment


Attracting investment is undeniably crucial for any startup embarking on its journey towards success. However, achieving this milestone requires meticulous preparation and strategic planning. Being well-prepared not only increases your chances of securing investment but also ensures that you make the most out of the opportunity when it arises. Here are some essential steps to ensure your startup is ready to attract investment:

  1. Assessment: Conduct a thorough evaluation of your startup, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
  2. Strategic Planning: Develop a clear and actionable business plan, outlining your value proposition, target market, competitive landscape, and growth trajectory.
  3. Financial Preparation: Assist in preparing detailed financial projections, including revenue forecasts, expense estimates, and cash flow analysis, demonstrating the financial viability of your startup.
  4. Legal and Compliance: Navigate legal and regulatory requirements to ensure compliance, enhancing your attractiveness to potential investors.
  5. Pitch Deck Creation: Create a compelling pitch deck communicating your business model, market opportunity, competitive advantage, and financial projections to potential investors.
  6. Networking and Introductions: Facilitate introductions to angel investors, venture capitalists, and potential funding sources, expanding your network and access to capital.
  7. Business Plan Creation: Craft a detailed roadmap for your startup's success, outlining its mission, target market, revenue streams, and growth strategy, essential for attracting investors.
  8. Application Wireframe Making: Develop visual blueprints for your application's layout, features, and user interface, guiding your development team effectively.
  9. Identity Book Defining: Define your startup's brand values, messaging, and visual elements to foster brand recognition and consistency across all marketing channels.
  10. Creating First MVP: Guide the development of your first Minimum Viable Product (MVP), gathering valuable feedback and maximizing your chances of success.
  11. Due Diligence Support: Provide assistance during the due diligence process, addressing inquiries and concerns to build trust and confidence in your startup.
  12. Negotiation: Assist in negotiating favourable investment terms with investors, ensuring alignment of interests and long-term growth objectives.

Hire talent for you

Finding and attracting the right talent is indeed a critical step in the success of any business. The people you bring into your team can significantly impact your company's growth, productivity, and overall success. Having the right individuals onboard not only enhances the quality of your products or services but also allows you to focus on other aspects of the business, knowing that your team is capable and reliable.

However, one of the biggest challenges businesses face is accessing high-quality talent and accurately assessing individuals before bringing them on board. This process can be time-consuming, costly, and often fraught with uncertainty. That's where experienced professionals with a track record in finding, assessing, and attracting talent can make a substantial difference.

With over 15 years of experience in talent acquisition, assessment, and recruitment, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table.

  • Faster Fill, Better Fit: I find and attract top talent quickly, ensuring the right fit for your company culture and skills, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency.
  • Cost-Effective Talent Acquisition: My streamlined process with strong candidate attraction reduces recruitment fees and wasted interview time, saving you money.
  • Building High-Performing Teams: My expertise creates teams with the right skills to excel, boosting your team's efficiency and driving growth.
  • Unleashing Top Talent: I leverage my network and experience to source exceptional candidates not readily available through traditional channels.
  • Focus on Your Business: I handle the time-consuming candidate vetting process, freeing up your valuable management time to focus on core business activities.
  • Fresh Ideas, Lower Risk: I bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to the table, while offering lower risk than full-time hires due to flexible contract options.
  • Streamlined Assessments: Forget the days of wading through endless resumes. I've honed a streamlined assessment process that goes beyond qualifications on paper. Using a blend of objective evaluations and in-depth interviews, I uncover a candidate's true potential, cultural fit, and alignment with your specific needs. This ensures you get a well-rounded picture and land the ideal person for the job.
  • Unveiling Top Talent: My secret weapon? An extensive network cultivated over 20 years in various industries. This allows me to tap into a rich pool of high-caliber candidates, from technical wizards crafting the future to seasoned executives with proven track records. Whether you need creative minds to spark innovation or leadership to steer your growth, I can identify the perfect fit for your company's unique goals.
  • Tailor-Made Solutions: Every business is like a fingerprint - unique. That's why I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. I take the time to understand your company's objectives, culture, and specific talent needs. Whether you're scaling rapidly, seeking diversity, or venturing into new markets, I'll craft a customized recruitment strategy that aligns perfectly with your goals.

Identifying Needs

Identifying needs is paramount, and we strive to find what fits you best. By understanding your mindset regarding both soft skills and hard skills, we tailor solutions to address your challenges effectively through thoughtful questioning and analysis.

Sourcing right talent

With a vast network of developers at my disposal, the initial step involves researching within my network. Following this, I proceed with headhunting and market searches to identify potential candidates. Subsequently, we extend invitations for initial interviews to assess suitability for the role.


I'll meticulously evaluate candidates' soft and hard skills through interview meetings and predefined tests. Only those fitting your job position will be introduced, streamlining the hiring process and saving you time.


We provide detailed information about candidates, including their strengths and weaknesses. This equips you with comprehensive insights before proceeding with interviews, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Project discovery
According to McKinsey, 17% of IT projects turn out so bad, they cause the collapse of the company. While only 7% of the projects are delivered late, 45% exceed the estimated budget. Careful analysis and planning could prevent many failures. While not a panacea, the discovery phase is vital for business owners who wish to complete their project on time and on budget.

When do you especially need a

project discovery?

  • Unclear project vision? Opt for a discovery phase at the outset.
  • Complex projects? Initiate a discovery phase for clarity.
  • Long-term projects? Require specialized approaches.
  • High-stakes success? Avoid mistakes with thorough planning.
  • Multiple stakeholders? Hire business analysts to align requirements.
project discovery
  • A project that doesn't meet your needs.
  • Endless scope creep.
  • A bloated budget.
  • Missed deadlines.
  • Inability to change IT vendors.

What happens when you refuse the

project discovery?

I can help you for

Digital transformation

In the digital era, businesses have shifted their perspective on transformation from a singular event to an ongoing strategy. The pace of change is rapid, leaving no room for complacency. Companies, akin to sharks in water, must continually adapt to thrive. Stakeholders must remain vigilant in embracing new technologies to stay competitive in the global market. It's evident that a business's ability to compete globally is directly tied to its agility in adopting emerging technologies.

1- perception

The primary and vital step in digital transformation is instilling a sense of necessity among senior managers within the organization. Without their understanding, cooperation diminishes, significantly impacting the success of the initiative.

4- implementation

This step, initiated alongside infrastructure implementation, prioritizes system deployment using cutting-edge global technology, ensuring seamless integration.

2- strategy planning and formulation

At this phase, the organization's needs are broadly identified across all levels without delving into specifics. These needs inform the extraction of organizational priorities, shaping the overall strategy of the transformation plan.

5- Creating values

After implementing each system, we initiate a trial run to address any issues. Once resolved, the system is fully operational across the organization.

3- Micro-strategy formulation

In this stage, we start understanding the requirements for each system and process, following the priorities defined earlier. We plan the design, development, and enhancement of systems.

6- subsequent improvements

In this stage,  all deployed systems undergo comprehensive review.  Any new improvements or ideas are documented and reintegrated into the development stage.